Monday, July 7, 2008

Landscape - Time to Look At Landscapes and Evaluate

With the recent hot and humid weather, many diseases are present in the landscape. In addition, early summer brings many different insect and mite pests. Landscape professionals should take time to visit some landscapes and evaluate plantings for problems as well as noting problem free plants. Some thoughts:
  • Check common problem plants and areas that have had issues in the past. South sides of buildings, exposed areas, and areas that recieve a lot of stress are candidates for many insect and mite pests.
  • Brown patch will be showing up in untreated lawns, especially those that are heavily fertilized.
  • Foliar diseases such as powdery mildew will be common, especially in areas that are shaded or that stay continually moist.
  • Many scales are in active crawler stages. Check plants that had scale problems in the past and apply controls
  • Japanese beetles are very active and can cause damage very quickly to susceptible plants.
  • Look for those plants with little or no disease or insect problems and that handle stress well. Make lists of these plants and consider ways to use them in upcoming projects. The best way to reduce maintenance such as spraying pesticides is to use trouble free plants. Clients will also be more satisfied with their landscapes.
  • Look for plants in decline as a result of long-term stresses, especially from last year's drought. Consider replacements.

Gordon Johnson, Extension Horticulture Agent, UD, Kent County

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