Monday, September 1, 2008

General - August Rainfall Totals

Hurricane Gustav is bearing down on the Gulf Coast. Tropical storm Hanna is heading toward the Bahamas. The critical question for our area is will we get any rain to break the drought? The following are the current rainfall totals for August in Mid State Delaware.

August Rainfall Totals for Mid-State Delaware

Blackbird 1.06 inches
Middletown 0.01 inches
Smyrna 0.09 inches
Garrisons Lake 0.15 inches
Dover 0.22 inches
West Dover 0.20 inches
South Dover 0.44 inches
Kitts Hummock 0.40 inches
Viola 0.84 inches
Sandtown 0.22 inches
Harrington 0.51 inches
Milford 0.26 inches
North Milford 0.14 inches
Ellendale 0.11 inches
Bridgeville 0.02 inches

Gordon Johnson, Extension Horticulture Agent, UD, Kent County

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