Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Greenhouse - Poinsettia Problems III: Leaf Distortions

This is the third in a series on poinsettia problems taken from a posting from the Purdue Plant and Pest Diagnostic Laboratory.

Leaf Distortions

Poinsettia leaf distortions often occur on young or immature leaves and are believed to be caused by many factors. Physical damage during pinching, ruptured cells and latex residue can cause the expanding leaf to become distorted. Environmental stresses, overhead fertilization with phosphorus fertilizers during propagation or production, abrasion or thrips may lead to distorted leaves. Leaf distortion can also results from dramatic temperature and humidity changes as plants are moved from propagation to production. Typically, as plants grow, mature leaves will cover the distorted or damaged young leaves and not influence the marketability of the crop.

Information and photo from Poinsettia Production Problems and Disorders by Roberto G. Lopez, Ph.D., Assistant Professor & Floriculture Extension Specialist, Purdue University in the September 15 edition of the Purdue Plant & Pest Diagnostic Laboratory Picture of the Week.

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