Friday, September 5, 2008

Landscape and Turf - What are Those Wasps

Cicada killers often will cause concern by homeowners because of their size. Another wasp that is found in turf and landscapes this time of year is the Scoliid wasp. The following is some information and photos.

The cicada killer wasps have started to decline in numbers; however, another wasp is starting to appear. This wasp is a scoliid wasp and is a parasitoid of green June beetle larvae. It has a gun metal blueblack body with a rust colored abdomen with two yellow spots. Adult wasps may be found feeding on flowers and is nonaggressive. This wasp flies over turfgrass in zigzag patterns searching for entrance holes for the grub entrance holes and other cues. Females can sting but requires provocation; thus no treatment is warranted.

Scoliid wasp photos by Brian Kunkel, UD Ornamental IPM Specialist.

From the August 29, 2008 edition of the Ornamentals Hotline from UD Extension.

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