Sunday, September 7, 2008

Turf - Act Now to Renovate Turf While there is Soil Moisture

Now is a good time to renovate turf as we have some soil moisture. Some thoughts on this topic follow.
  • While there is adequate soil moisture, plan to do turf renovations.
  • Early September is a great time period to plant as you can get seed germinated and established before colder weather in October. In particular, tall fescues will benefit from earlier planting.
  • Now is the time to add your first fall fertilizer at 1 lb. of N per 1000 sq. ft.
  • Now is the time to add lime if soil tests indicate that soil pH has dropped below 6.0
  • Core aeration is a recommended practice for turf areas that have been compacted, have built up thatch, or that would benefit from compost topdressings. September is the ideal time to do this as long as there is soil moisture.
  • To do a renovation, ideally you should do the following: apply any lime or fertilizer, core aerate, apply compost topdressing, drag if needed, overseed 1/3 third of your seed, and slit seed the remaining 2/3 of the seed 1/3 in one direction and 1/3 perpendicular to that direction.
  • Choose well adapted, disease resistant turf varieties. For most applications, turf-type tall fescue is the choice for this area.

Gordon Johnson, Extension Horticulture Agent, UD, Kent County.

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