Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Turf - Late Season Crabgrass

The following is some information on late season crabgrass management.

While normally we do not advise controlling crabgrass this late in the season, with the recent rains and warm weather still, crabgrass escapes are very noticeable, especially in turf areas thinned out by the drought. At this time of year, crabgrass goes to seed very quickly so you may want to consider a late season control to reduce seed production. The two options at this time are Drive and Acclaim Extra. Both can be used on areas to be reseeded to turf-type tall fescue. With expected cooler weather, crabgrass growth will slow down considerably. Note turf areas with crabgrass problems and target these areas for preemergence herbicides next spring. If you choose not to control crabgrass chemically, mow frequently to reduce seed head production. Even with frequent mowing, there will be some seed production as crabgrass will often produce seed heads below the level of the mower blade in September. If grass stands have thinned out due to the drought, you will want to reseed areas now. If crabgrass is left, it will actually provide some protection to new seedings as it will die out with frost.

Gordon Johnson, Extension Agriculture Agent, UD, Kent County

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