Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Landscape - Invasive Species Resources

The USDA has released an updated version of their field guide of invasive plants of forests and woodlands. Those who manage lands with invasive plants should add this guide to their reference collection. The following is a link to the guide on the internet and information on how to order.

UDSA Forest Service Northeastern Research Station, Eastern Region, Northeastern Area State & Private Forestry

Invasive Plants Field and Reference Guide: An Ecological Perspective of Plant Invaders of Forests and Woodlands

Web links: http://www.fs.fed.us/r9/wildlife/nnis/invasive-species-field-guide.pdf


The USDA Forest Service has issued an updated “Invasive Plants Field and Reference Guide: An
Ecological Perspective of Plant Invaders of Forests and Woodlands.” For a copy, contact Rod Whiteman, USDA Invasive Species Coordinator, at 304‐285‐1555 or rwhiteman@fs.fed.us

Also go to http://www.invasive.org/ for more information on invasive species and http://www.invasive.org/eastern/ for invasive species information in the eastern region.

UD Plants for a Liveable Delaware http://ag.udel.edu/extension/horticulture/pdf/PLD.pdf

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