Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Vote Today

It is important for all eligible voters to exercise their right to vote today. For those in the Horticultural community, many factors will influence the decision apart from straight party loyalty. Some thoughts follow:

  • Consider the candidates knowledge of the green industry. Are they informed? What are their positions on horticultural industry issues? Are your interests and the interests of your family well served by their positions? Are the larger business community's interests well served by their positions? Do their positions benefit the best interests of the broader community at large?
  • Will the candidates seek a wide range of input from the horticultural community on those issues affecting green industry related businesses? Who will they appoint to key positions affecting the green industry?
  • Will the candidates support continued funding of horticultural research, important agencies and organizations serving the green industry, and other important programs affecting horticultural businesses?

Jenny Rhodes, Queen Annes County Agricultural Agent with the University of Maryland, sent out a link to a very interesting web site that compares presidential candidates positions on family related issues. Here is this information:

The following is a website you may want to read about family related issues and the presidential candidates. The family issues voting guide was prepared by family policy doctoral students in the Department of Family Science at the University of Maryland School of Public Health.

Gordon Johnson, Extension Horticulture Agent, UD, Kent County

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