Sunday, January 11, 2009

Ed Kee Nominated as DE Secretary of Agriculture

Governor elect Markell announced on Friday that he will nominate Ed Kee as Delaware Secretary of Agriculture. This is a good nomination and the following are reasons why I think Green Industry in Delaware will benefit greatly from this selection.
  • Administrations benefit from selecting "the best and the brightest" for cabinet posts. Ed certainly fits this description.
  • Ed has a genuine and deep love of horticulture.
  • Ed also as a very good understanding of the business side of horticulture and how important it is to keep the green industry viable from a business perspective. He is a supporter of horticultural industries in Delaware and in his previous role as UD Extension Vegetable Specialist, did much to help that industry. He will be a great supporter and promoter of the Delaware green industry.
  • As a keen student of history, Ed has an great appreciation of where horticulture in Delaware has come from and the potentials for horticultural businesses in Delaware, now and in the future.
  • Over the years, Ed has encouraged young people to take up careers in horticulture. I am sure he will continue to do so even more vigorously in the future as Secretary. Ed feels that the future of DE horticulture is built upon educating and supporting young people that will be going into horticultural occupations.
  • Although Ed has not been involved in the ornamental side of horticulture he has always shown a great curiosity the green industry. This curiosity will serve the Delaware green industry well as he will make great efforts to understand it better. It also will lead to a search for positive roles that the DDA can play in supporting the DE green industry. He will work well with our Nursery and Landscape Association and other green industry groups.
  • Another positive trait that will serve Ed well is the ability to see the bigger picture and not be drawn into unproductive directions or decisions.
  • Ed loves education and research and will help to prioritize those areas as a backbone of efforts to keep Delaware's green industry profitable and competitive.
  • And finally, on a lighter side, Ed looks very good in a suit.

Gordon Johnson, Extension Agriculture Agent, UD, Kent County

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