Sunday, March 1, 2009

Landscape and Nursery - Plants for Delaware Landscapes Featured at the 2009 UDBG Spring Plant Sale VI

This year, the University of Delaware Botanic Garden spring benefit plant sale features those plants that add to the biodiversity of the landscape and offer food and habitat for wildlife, especially insects and the birds that eat them. Many native plants are featured. This is the sixth in a series on plants being offered at the UDBG spring plant sale that are recommended for Delaware landscapes.

Chamaecyparis thyoides, Atlantic White Cedar, 40-50', full sun, moist to wet soils. Native from Maine to Florida, this plant has great adaptability. The typically narrow form makes this a good choice for a screen: Dense enough to break your view but open enough to see what lies beyond. Native plant. Photo by James Henderson, Gulf South Research Corporation,

Juniperus virginiana, ‘Grey Owl’ Eastern Redcedar, 3-4', full sun, dry to moist soils. This is a shrubby version of the species with distinctive blue foliage. Mature plants are 3 feet tall and 6 feet wide. This is a female clone. Native plant.

Pinus banksiana, Jack Pine, 35-50', full sun, dry to moist soils. A great pioneer species for sandy soils, this is a very tough pine that flourishes in poor, dry soils. Native plant. Photo by Keith Kanoti, Maine Forest Service, USA.

Pinus echinata, Shortleaf Pine, 60-80', full sun, dry to moist soils. Another tough native pine with great adaptability. Plants can be used to provide filtered shade for shrubs planted beneath. Mature plants develop an attractive scaly, reddish brown bark. Native plant. Photo from Missouri State University.

For more information on the 2009 UDBG Spring Plant Sale go to

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