Saturday, March 7, 2009

Landscape and Nursery - Plants for Delaware Landscapes Featured at the 2009 UDBG Spring Plant Sale #9

This year, the University of Delaware Botanic Garden spring benefit plant sale features those plants that add to the biodiversity of the landscape and offer food and habitat for wildlife, especially insects and the birds that eat them. Many native plants are featured. This is the ninth in a series on plants being offered at the UDBG spring plant sale that are recommended for Delaware landscapes.

Cornus alternifolia, Pagoda Dogwood 15-25', sun to part shade, moist soil conditions. A much underrated native shrub with white flowers in April to May, blue-black fruit borne on red stems in late summer, and rich burgundy foliage in the fall. Very horizontal habit. Native plant. Photo from the Dow Gardens Archive, Dow Gardens,

Cornus racemosa,Grey Dogwood, 10-15', 2-3', sun to part shade, dry to wet soil conditions. The common name is derived from the winter stem color. Plants produce abundant white flowers in the spring and white fruit are borne on showy red stems in the late summer. Fruit is a delicacy, sought by more than 100 species of birds. Native plant. Photo by Richard Webb, Self-employed horticulurist,

Corylus americana, Filbert 4-6', full sun to full shade conditions, moist to wet soil conditions. A frequent component of our native woodlands, this shrub typically grows as an understory plant but becomes denser in habit, fruits more heavily, and exhibits intense fall color when grown in full sun. Wildlife love the nuts. Native plant. Photo by Richard Webb, Self-employed horticulurist,

For more information on the 2009 UDBG Spring Plant Sale go to

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