Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Landscape - New Sustainable Landscapes Web Site at UD

Sustainable landscaping is being promoted throughout the country, yet there is considerable confusion on what sustainable landscaping means. The Univerisity of Delaware has produced a website to help explain the concept of sustainble landscaping in an easy to understand format. The following is more information:

A sustainable landscape Web site has been launched by the University of Delaware Botanic Gardens. The site's content was written in large part by Rebecca Pineo, who is serving her second year-long internship with the Botanic Gardens. A 24-year-old graduate of St. Mary's College of Maryland, she has applied to UD's Longwood Graduate Program in Public Horticulture for the 2009-2010 academic year. “The term 'sustainable landscape' gets thrown around a lot but there's not always agreement on what it means,” said Pineo. “This Web site defines it as a stable and productive ecosystem that conserves the physical and biological processes occurring on that landscape.” Most importantly, said Pineo, the Web site explains why sustainable landscaping is a good thing to do. Sustainable landscapes are promoted for maintaining soil integrity, hydrological function, plant and animal diversity, and contributing to human wellness.

The site is divided into five major categories - soils, hydrology, vegetation, human wellness and materials (which includes such topics as renewable landscape products and recycling leaves).
The soil section gives an overview of the basics, including how to do a soil test. But it also details the ins and outs of fertilizer usage, composting, soil compaction, and 10 full pages of info about integrated pest management.

“Rebecca did a great job of taking complex topics and material and presenting it in a reader-friendly format,” said Sue Barton, UD Cooperative Extension's specialist for ornamental horticulture, and Pineo's adviser on the project. “I think the sustainable landscape Web site will be a useful tool for Delaware gardeners who want to protect the natural environment.”

The website is at: http://www.ag.udel.edu/udbg/sl/

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