Thursday, April 9, 2009

Landscape and Nursery - Plants for Delaware Landscapes Featured at the 2009 UDBG Spring Plant Sale #18

This year, the University of Delaware Botanic Garden spring benefit plant sale features those plants that add to the biodiversity of the landscape and offer food and habitat for wildlife, especially insects and the birds that eat them. Many native plants are featured. This is the 18th in a series on plants being offered at the UDBG spring plant sale that are recommended for Delaware landscapes.

Elderberry. Photo by Richard Webb, Self-employed horticulurist,

Carolina Rose. Photo by John D. Byrd, Mississippi State University,

Lowbush Blueberry. Photo by R.A. Howard. ©Smithsonian Institution. Courtesy of Smithsonian Institution, Richard A. Howard Photograph Collection. United States, ME.

For more information on the 2009 UDBG Spring Plant Sale go to

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