Sunday, April 26, 2009

Landscape - Summer Pest and IPM Walks

The following is information on summer pest and IPM walks offered by University of Delaware Cooperative Extension through the Ornamentals Short Course Program.

Pest Walk ­

Date: June 9
Time: 4 p.m.—6 p.m.
Location: University of Delaware Botanic Gardens, Newark, DE
Cost: $10
Registration: Call 302-831-2506 to register.
Credits: Pesticide and CNP

Tour the grounds of the UDBG to learn about common and (sometimes unusual) disease and insect problems occurring in the landscape.

Instructors: Brian Kunkel and Bob Mulrooney

IPM Walk ­

Date: July 15
Time: 6:30 p.m.—9:30 p.m.
Location: Fischer Greenhouse & University of Delaware Botanic Gardens, Newark, DE
Cost: $10
Registration: Call 302-831-2506 to register.
Credits: Pesticide and CNP

Start in the Fischer Greenhouse with a brief discussion of “What is IPM” and then tour the grounds of the UDBG in search of both insect pests and beneficial insects in the landscape.

Instructors: Brian Kunkel and Carrie Murphy

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