Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Reminder - UBDG Annual Spring Plant Sale Coming Up

The 2009 Spring plant sale to benefit the University of Delaware Botanic Gardens is coming up this Friday and Saturday. The following is more information.

2009 Spring Plant Sale

This year’s sale will feature a wide array of plants native to the Eastern United States (in addition to a selection of non-invasive exotic perennials, shrubs and trees). Incorporating natives in your backyard plantings can help preserve the diversity of local landscapes by providing nutrition and shelter for wildlife—especially insects, the foundation of the food web. Learn more about the benefits of “going native” in this year’s plant sale catalog with the article “Why We Need Native Plants” by Dr. Doug Tallamy, author of Bringing Nature Home: How Native Plants Sustain Wildlife in Our Gardens.

The University of Delaware Botanic Gardens are located on South Campus at the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

Plant Sale General Admission - Friday, April 24, 4 – 7 pm
Plant Sale General Admission & AG Day - Sat., April 25, 9:30 am – 4 pm

For more information go to the catalog at the following web address:

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