Friday, May 29, 2009

Landscape and Nursery - Choose Scab Resistant Crabapples

Nurserymen and landscapers should consider using scab resistant crabapple varieties. The following is more information.

Use scab-resistant or scab-immune crabapples in the landscape. Scab immune trees don’t get scab while scab resistant trees may show some lesions, but not enough to cause defoliation. Nurserymen should be growing scab-immune or scab-resistant crabapples; these may include the following: these may include the following: ‘Adirondack’, ‘Bob White’, ‘Brandywine’, ‘Callaway’, ‘Camelot’,‘Candymint’,
‘Canterbury’, ‘Christmas Holly’, ‘Cinderella’, ‘Coralburst’, ‘David’, ‘Dolgo’, ‘Evereste’, ‘Excalibur’, ‘Firebird’, ‘Foxfire’, ‘Golden Raindrops’, ‘Guinevere’, ‘Hamlet’, ‘Holiday Gold’, ‘King Arthur’, ‘Lancelot’, ‘Lollipop’, ‘Louisa’, ‘Manbeck Weeper’, ‘Mary Potter’, ‘Molton Lava’, ‘Pink Princess’, ‘Prairifire’, ‘Prairie Maid’, ‘Professor Sprenger’, ‘Purple Prince’, ‘Rawhide’, ‘Red Jewel’, ‘Sentinel’, ‘Silver Moon’, ‘Sinai Fire’, ‘Strawberry Parfait’, ‘Sugar Tyme’, ‘Tina’, ‘White Angel’, ‘Winter Gem’, M. baccata ‘Jackii’, M. floribunda, M. sargentii, M. x zumi ‘calocarpa’.

Do not grow these in the nursery or plant in the landscape:

Very susceptible: ‘American Masterpiece’, ‘American, Triumph’, ‘Harvest Gold’, ‘Indian Magic’, ‘Jewel Berry’, ‘Pink Satin’, ‘Red Jade’, ‘Royal Scepter’, ‘Spring Snow’, ‘Thunderchild’, ‘Weeping Candied Apple’, ‘White Cascade’.

Extremely susceptible: ‘Almey’, ‘Eleyi’, ‘Hopa’, (there are others).

Information from the University of Kentucky.

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