Sunday, July 12, 2009

Landscape - Twobanded Japanese Weevil

The following is information on twobanded Japanese weevil. Adults will be emerging during the summer in DE.

Twobanded japanese weevil adults [1267- 1897 (1555 peak) GDD base 50] feed on ash, cherry laurel, pyracantha, privet, rose, spirea, forsythia, lilac, barberry, flowering dogwood, broad-leaved evergreens, and others. This flightless weevil is light to dark brown and feeds during the day on new leaves, shoots and inner foliage, but drops to the ground when disturbed.

Remove excessive mulch to prevent overly moist soils around susceptible plants. Entomopathogenic nematodes, Heterorhabditis and Steinernema spp., offer variable control of larvae in field plots but have performed better in container soil in greenhouses. Adult chemical control includes acephate, pyrethrins, piperonyl butoxide, and cyfluthrin and imidacloprid. The twobanded Japanese weevil is resistant to sevin and malathion.

Twobanded Japanese Weevil adult. Photo from the University of Georgia Archive, University of Georgia,

Information from Brian Kunkel, Ornamental IPM Specialist, UD

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