Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Greenhouse and Nursery - Early Flowering in Mums

We are seeing earlier flowering in mums this year. The following is more information.

Chrysanthemums Flowering Early

Many greenhouse growers put out their mums this year withput pinching or without Florel applications. The cool nights of late July and August have made many of these mums set flower buds early. The result is that many mums are shorter than normal and the flowers will be opening at the end of August to early September. A couple of growers made multiple applications of Florel this season and their plants are still vegetative and appear to be larger in size. It is a tough call each season whether you should apply Florel or not. This season it would have been a good idea. Hopefully, early mum sales will be good.

Information from the August 21, 2009 edition of the Greenhouse TPM/IPM Bi-Weekly Report from the University of Maryland Cooperative Extension, Central Maryland Research and Education Center

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