Saturday, August 1, 2009

Turf - Brown Patch Now Appearing

Brown patch season has arrived in turf across Delaware. The following is more information.

Brown Patch disease is active now after recent rains and high night humidity. Turf-type tall fescue and others turf species are susceptible when the weather turns hazy, hot and humid and night temperatures stay in the 70's. This disease, caused by the fungus Rhizoctonia solani, has been present for the past week on landscape turf and golf courses. To reduce the incidence and severity of brown patch for golf courses and other highly managed turf, avoid summer avoid large applications of quick release nitrogen sources (e.g., not more than ¼ lb actual N/1000 sq. ft) during hot weather, irrigate between midnight and 8 a.m. to minimize the leaf wetness period, and spray turf now with Armada, Banner (preventive only), Chipco 26GT, chlorothalonil, Compass, ConSyst, Curalan, Disarm, Eagle, Endorse, Headway, Heritage, Insignia, mancozeb, Medallion, Prostar, Spectro, Tartan, thiophanate-methyl or Trinity per manufacturer's recommendations.

Information from Bob Mulrooney, Extension Plant Pathologist, UD.

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