Friday, September 25, 2009

Landscape - Oak Lace Bug

I recently got a call from a landscaper describing damage from the oak lace bug. The following is more information.

I recently have seen damage from the oak lace bug in DE landscapes. Oak lace bug adults overwinter under the bark or in leaf litter near the base of the tree. Next spring, look for black eggs and nymphs on the undersides of foliage. At this time of year control is not necessary.

This insect is very similar to lace bugs found on azaleas, hawthorns, and sycamores. Their fall peak of activity is between 1613 3384 [2300 peak] GDD. Stipled leaves have black 'tar spots' on the underside of the leaf. There are two generations per year in our area. Natural enemies often keep this insect controlled, however when treatments are necessary options include acephate, carbaryl, pyrethroids, or imidacloprid. Horticultural oil or insecticidal soap are options when temperature and humidity permit.

Oak lace bug adults and lymphs feeding on underside of white oak. Photo from Michael Masuik, Penn State University.

Lacebug damage on white oak, Quercus alba. Photo from Michael Masuik, Penn State University.

Information from multiple sources: Brian Kunkel, UD; University of Maryland, and Penn State University.

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