Thursday, September 3, 2009

Landscape - Southern Red Mites

Watch for increased southern red mite activity as cooler weather continues. The following is more information.

Southern red mite adults and nymphs are active from 1913 -3518 [2933 peak] and 240 -3584 [3034 peak] GDD base 50 respectively. This mite feeds azaleas, camellias, hollies, photinia, and many others. Southern red mites generally feed on the underside of leaves causing them to turn brownish to grayish and damaged leaves may drop prematurely. This mite is dark red to brownish and has a pale stripe. Eggs are brownish to reddish and have a fine hair coming off the center.

Southern red mite highly magnified. Photo by Jim Baker, North Carolina State University,

Information from Brian Kunkel, Ornamental IPM Specialist, UD

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