Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Landscape - Sustainable Site Initiative

The following is information on the sustainable sites initiative. This initiative seeks to increase sustainable landscaping throughout the US.


Three years of research and work culminates this November 5th, as the Sustainable Sites Initiative will release the first full national rating system for sustainable landscapes as part of the Guidelines and Performance Benchmarks 2009 report . This latest report takes into account feedback from hundreds of individuals and organizations across the country and around the world. In addition, the report release will include a supplemental educational report, titled Making the Case for Sustainable Landscapes , that provides scientific and economic arguments underlying the guidelines, and will highlight several case studies for sustainable practices.

Upon the release of the Guidelines and Performance Benchmarks 2009 , the Sustainable Sites Initiative will also formally open the Call for Pilot Projects. Projects selected for the Pilot Program will be the first to test the rating system and will be included in the Reference Guide, to be released in 2012. The Initiative will accept applications online starting November 5 through February 15, 2010. Any type of designed landscape is eligible to participate, ranging from academic and corporate campuses, parks and recreation areas, transportation corridors to single residences, with a minimum project size of 2,000 square feet. Fees for participating in the pilot project process will run between $500 to $5,000 depending on project budget (there may be limited scholarships available based on need).

For more information on the pilot projects, visit www.sustainablesites.org/pilot.You can learn more about the Sustainable Sites Initiative at these upcoming conferences. Check the Sustainable Sites website for the most current listings.

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