Sunday, November 1, 2009

Landscape - PLANET Sustainability Report

Sustainable landscapes are the hot topic nowdays. The following is information on a recent report issued on the subject.

PLANET (Professional Landcare Network, aka ALCA) has just issued its annual “Crystal Ball Report” and the report declares that the green and sustainable landscapes trend is here to stay. The report characterizes the trend as “perhaps the biggest distinct business opportunity of the 21st century…” for the landscape and turf industry. In addition to exploring and defining sustainability for the landscape and turf industry, the report is chock full of ideas and specifics about how companies can implement sustainable practices in their work, both externally for customers and internally in their businesses. The report is a must-read for any landscape company owner who wants to learn how to profit from this growing trend.The report is available through the PLANET bookstore by clicking here . You may also want to download PLNA’s white paper on green infrastructure, download by clicking here .

Information from the Pennsylvania Nursery and Landscape Association website:

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