Friday, November 9, 2007

Greenhouse - Easter Lily Forcing Update

Easter lily forcing schedules are much earlier this year due to an earlier Easter. The following is information on this topic.

Easter Lily Update

Easter is very early next year on March 23rd. This is 16 days earlier than 2007 and a whopping 24 days earlier than 2006. Schedule your crops accordingly! This means that right now we are at about 19 weeks before Easter. The following information is based on guidelines published by William Miller, Cornell Flower Bulb Research Program: At this point growers should be starting their fourth week of cooling at 40° F. Watch for sprouting. If you are seeing widespread sprouting lower the temperature a few degrees, but do not go below 35° F.

Modified from an article in the November 2, 2007 edition of the Greenhouse TPM/IPM Weekly Report, University of Maryland Cooperative Extension

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