Monday, January 7, 2008

Delaware Cooperative Extension Wants to Help You Train Your Staff

In 2008, Delaware Cooperative Extension is starting a new initiative to bring training to you and your staff at your place of work or business. Landscaping firms, lawn and turf care businesses, nurseries, greenhouses, golf courses, government intities such as city or town maintenance departments, schools, and others in the horticulture industry are encouraged to take advantage of this offer. The following is information on this program.

If you have 10 people or more, University of Delaware Cooperative Extension will set up and conduct trainings or workshops on your site. Training topics will be taylored to your needs. Examples include pest identification and control (weeds, diseases, insects), culture (pruning, mulching, planting, fertilization, etc.), nutrient management, business skills, sustainable landscapes, safety training, and much more. The cost will be $10 per persion and scheduling is based on the availability of the instructors with expertise in the topics you choose. To arrage these trainings contact you county extension office and talk to the Commercial Horticulture Agent. In Kent County, call Gordon Johnson at (302) 730-4000. In Sussex County contact Tracy Wooten at 856-7303 and in New Castle County contact Carrie Murphy at 831-2506.

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