Thursday, January 24, 2008

Greenhouse - Problems to Watch For when Receiving Plugs or Cuttings

Many of the problems that we have with diseases and insects in greenhouses start with infected or infested planting material that is received from suppliers. It is important to inspect all incoming shipments for diseases and insects and reject any that have problems. The following are some thoughts on this subject.

Be alert for: downy mildew on bacopa, coleus, impatiens, and argyranthemum; black root rot on vinca, calibrachoa, petunia, pansy, and others; INSV on Impatiens wallerana and New Guinea impatiens, lobelia, tuberous begonia and others. Cyclamen mites have been more common in recent seasons an infest many crops, especially New Guinea impatiens.

Detecting problems on arrival is key since suppliers will resolve problems if they believe they are at fault. Don’t expect suppliers to be as receptive if you report problems weeks later when your greenhouse could be the source. Additionally, identifying problems that may just involve a few flats will allow action to prevent spreading them throughout your whole operation via mixed combination planters or hanging baskets.

Modified from the February 2007 edition of Floriculture IPM Notes from Rutgers and Cornell Cooperative Extension.

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