Friday, March 28, 2008

Nursery and Landscape - Plants to Consider for Delaware Landscapes Featured at the Upcoming UDBG Plant Sale

This is the second in a series of plants to consider for Delaware Landscapes featuring those plants that are being offered at the UDBG Spring Plant Sale.

Cercis canadensis ‘Hearts of Gold’ Eastern Redbud 15-25'. The heart-shaped foliage is brilliantly gold, fading to chartreuse — exquisite throughout the summer. Thankfully the purple-pink flowers appear before the gold foliage as the mix might be considered garish to some.

Cladrastis kentukea ‘Perkins Pink’. American Yellowwood 30-50'. A true star in the garden but this one is pink with a heavenly fragrance. The nearly 12-in. long terminal clusters provide quite a display in mid to late May. A great small- to medium-sized tree for residential landscapes. Clear yellow leaves develop in the fall. Tolerant of wet soil conditions.

Thuja orientalis ‘Beverly Hills’. Oriental Arborvitae 8-10' . More heat tolerant than our eastern arborvitae, the bright yellow green winter color foliage is a sure eye catcher. Plants stay relatively small with a consistent, conical habit.

Clethra alnifolia ‘Ruby Spice’. Summersweet 4-6'. Arguably one of the best of the pink flowered cultivars prized for its fragrant, non-fading, ruby-red flowers that bloom in late summer. Plants may also be more compact than other pink cultivars.

For more information go to the online UDBC Spring Plant Sale catalog at

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