Saturday, March 1, 2008

Turfgrass - Recommended Bermudagrass Varieties

Bermudagrass is gaining popularity for sportsfields, in sod production, and near the coast in Delaware. The following are some recommended varieties from Virginia/Maryland tests. Note that in Delaware, we would recommend only those with cold tolerance as indicated (I have bolded those with cold tolerance).

Bermudagrass – Varietal differences in texture and winter hardiness are important considerations. If no notation follows the variety name this indicates it has performed in the top statistical category at both Blacksburg and Hampton Roads Research Stations. Varieties with the notation # are only recommended in the warmer regions of Virginia due to concerns regarding their cold tolerance. Note that there are no guarantees regarding winter survival for any recommended or promising variety, and one not noted for cold tolerance might perform well indefinitely in colder regions of the state depending on climate patterns. There is much interest in the seeded varieties due to the reduced cost of establishment.

Category I – Recommended vegetatively propagated bermudagrass varieties: Aussie Green#, Celebration# , GN-1#, Midfield, Midiron, Midlawn, MS-Choice#, Patriot, Premier, Quickstand, Shanghai, Tifton 10, Tifgreen#, TifSport, Tifway#, Tifway II#, Tufcote, and Vamont.

Category II - Recommended seeded bermudagrass varieties: Blackjack#, Contessa, Continental#, Princess-77#, Riviera, Savannah#, Southern Star#1, Sundevil II#1, Veracruz, and Yukon.

From the 2007-2008 Virginia Turfgrass Variety Recommendations, Mike Goatley, Turfgrass Specialist, Virginia Tech


  1. I'm looking for a grass to hold up to the high traffic of our family life. We have three kids and two dogs that seem to continually rip up our yard. We live in Dover, DE where the ground is somewhat like clay. Any best recommendations? Thanks in advance for any help.

  2. Bermudagrass could be an answer. It definately will handle summer play very well. Unfortunately, it will brown out in October and will not green up until the end of may.

    One of the newer RHT turf type tall fescues that produces extensive rhizomes gives you good spring and fall wear tolerance but will not do well in the heat of the mid summer.

    Unfortunately we are North of South and South of North in Delaware and there is no one good answer.

    Gordon Johnson
    Extension Horticulture Agent
    University of Delaware
    Kent County
