Monday, April 28, 2008

Landscape - Vetch as a Weed of Landscape Beds

The following is an article on vetch and its control in landscape beds.

Vetch can be a problem weed in landscape beds in the spring. There are several species of these leguminous winter annuals that grow profusely in April-May, flower, reseed and die out in the summer heat. These seeds will germinate in the late summer/fall. Growth regulator herbicides do a good job of controlling vetch in turf but cannot be used in landscape beds in most cases. One exception is clopyralid (Lontrel) that can be used on certain evergreen species for vetch control (check the label for more information). A second option is August applications of preemergence herbicides such as Snapshot or Gallery to stop fall germination; however results have been variable. Shielded postemergence spot treatments with glyphosate, pelargonic acid, or glufosinate are effective in the fall on small plants but may not be in the spring. In some severe infestations you may need to renovate beds and replace the mulch.

Vetch Infestation in a Ground Cover Bed.

Gordon Johnson, Extension Horticulture Agent, UD, Kent County

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