Sunday, April 13, 2008

Nursery and Landscape - Plants to Consider for Delaware Landscapes Featured at the Upcoming UDBG Plant Sale

This is continuation of the series on plants to consider for Delaware Landscapes featuring those plants that are being offered at the upcoming UDBG Spring Plant Sale.

Franklinia alatamaha. Franklin Tree 10-20'. Difficult to find in the trade, the Franklin tree is worth growing for its history alone. Named for Benjamin Franklin, this native tree is now extinct in the wild. Upright plants produce fragrant, 3 in., magnolia-shaped ivory-white flowers in summer, sporadically into fall. Leaves turn shades of maroon to bright red in fall.

Prunus ‘Snofozam’. Snow Fountains® Weeping Cherry 12'. The prolific white spring flowers adorn the strongly weeping branches on plants that are as wide as tall. The foliage turns yellow, orange and red in the autumn. A striking specimen plant
in any season.

Thuja plicata ‘Grovepli’. Spring Grove® Western Arborvitae 50-70'. The tight pyramidal habit makes this cultivar useful as a large screen. Fast growth, combined with a good dark green foliage color in the winter, and you have a real winner. Exhibits resistance to deer browsing.

Cornus alternifolia ‘W. Stackman’. Golden Shadows™ Dogwood 15-20'. Alternate leaf dogwood is found as an understory plant in our local woods, although in full sun it will grow fuller and more floriferous. The cultivar ‘Golden Shadows’ has white clusters in the spring, magnificent iridescent lime-green leaves throughout the summer, and dark blue fruit in fall enjoyed by birds.

For more information go to the online UDBC Spring Plant Sale catalog at

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