Thursday, April 24, 2008

Nursery and Landscape - Plants to Consider for Delaware Landscapes Featured at the Upcoming UDBG Plant Sale

This is continuation of the series on plants to consider for Delaware Landscapes featuring those plants that are being offered at the upcoming UDBG Spring Plant Sale.

Hakonechloa macra ‘All Gold’. Golden Hakone Grass 1.5' Dramatic cascading ribbons of metallic foliage that look brightest with morning sun. Slightly more upright than other cultivars. Looks wonderful combined with blue-foliaged hostas. Hard to find in the trade, use it to illuminate the border, container or oriental garden.

Gladiolus ‘Boone’. Sword Lily 5'. Unusual, remarkably hardy (zone 6) heirloom cultivar. Small jewel-like, soft pastel apricot flowers open over an extended period of time on multiple flower stems that never need staking. This connoisseurs’ plant will produce many new corms in a couple years. Exquisite; mixes with just about everything.

Gentiana asclepiadea. Willow Gentian 1'. Gorgeous trumpet-shaped blue flowers adorn erect stems in August. Highly sought after plant for the cool season garden. Especially attractive in combination with Athyrium felix femina ‘Lady in Red’ and Dryopteris erythrosora.

Baptisia australis ‘Sky Blue’. Blue False Indigo 3-4'. UDBG introduction selected for bicolored blooms with white/pale blue upper petals and blue lower petals. Colors intensify as flowers mature. Striking new cultivar; excellent as a specimen plant or in small groups. Not found in the trade.

For more information go to the online UDBC Spring Plant Sale catalog at

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