Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Turf and Landscape - Bittercress

The following is information on controlling bittercress in turf and landscape beds.

One winter annual weed that has become increasing problematic over the past through years in turfgrass and landscape beds is hairy bittercress. This weed grows in a rosette and is generally not noticed in turfgrass sites until it produces a flower stalk in March/April. Fall or Spring applications of 2.4-D will control emerged bittercress but will not prevent subsequent germination from the soil seed bank. Although an expensive proposition, September applications of Gallery will provide residual control of this weed as well as other winter annuals but not wild Garlic. In landscape beds an early spring application (prior to bittercress flowering) of organic mulch applied at 3 to 4 inches will smother and provide suppression of this weed. More effective control can be obtained with September applications of herbicides such as Snapshot, OH2, or Rout. Always consult the herbicide label to see if all desired plants within the bed are tolerant
to these herbicides. All winter annuals can be effectively controlled with non-selective herbicides such as Roundup, but make sure the spray does not contact desired plants.

Extracted from an article by Stephen E. Hart, Ph.D., Specialist in Weed Science and Patrick McCullough, Program Associate in Weed Science, Rutgers University in the March 13, 2008 edition of the Plant and Pest Advisory, Landscape, Nursery and Turf Edition.

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