Thursday, May 22, 2008

Nursery and Landscape - Azalea Lace Bug

Azalea lace bug is the most common pest that attacks Azaleas in Delaware. The following is some information on this pest and its control.

AZALEA LACE BUG: Adults will become active by mid-late May, feeding and laying eggs on the underside of azalea foliage. Leaves appear stippled and offcolored. Look for black fecal spots on the underside of foliage or for the lacy winged adults. Spiny black nymphs will also be noticeable by the end of the month. Azaleas planted in full sun and under drought stress exhibit the worst damage. Control with acephate (Orthene) when active life stages are first seen. Note that while insecticidal soap has offered good (>85%) control, obtaining contact with lace bugs on the underside of foliage may prove daunting on small plants. Field studies have shown that Imidichloprid (Merit) will provide excellent control for at least a full calendar season. Hence, it may be unnecessary to apply Merit to the same plant every year.

Reprinted from the May 1, 2008 Edition of the Plant and Pest Advisory, Landscape, Nursery, and Turf Edition, Rutgers University.

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