Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Nursery and Landscape - Learn More About Phytophthora

Phytophthora diseases are a common problem in Delaware nurseries and landscapes. You can learn more about diseases caused by these organisms now with an on-line course from Oregon State University. The following is information on this training.

Phytophthora, a fungus-like organism, is a persistent threat to nursery crop production and landscape plantings in Delaware. Learning more about this plant pathogen and the diseases it causes would benefit anyone involved in the nursery or landscape trade. In addition, nursery growers are aware of the need to be alert for new diseases such as "sudden oak death" (also known as ramorum shoot and leaf blight on nursery stock) caused by Phytophthora ramorum. Growers who examine their plants carefully are, in effect, "first detectors" of new and exotic diseases in the nursery industry. Nursery producers and landscapers now can participate in a free online Phytophthora training program from Oregon State University. The goal of helping to minimize these diseases in the nursery setting; however, landscapers should alsto benefit. The training is free and consists of three 1 to 1.5 hour modules. There is an optional online exam that does have a fee of $100. If you pass the test, participants will receive a Certificate of Mastery on Phytophthora from Oregon State University Extended Campus. For more information on this training, please visit the OSU Phytophthora Online Course. A link is given below.

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