Thursday, May 29, 2008

Turf - Apply Bermudagrass Control Measures Soon

Bermudagrass control in cool season turf can be a challenge. There are some herbicide tools available but you need to start early. First herbicide applications should go on now. The following are some recommendations.

Bermudagrass suppression has been achieved by applications of Acclaim extra (fexoxaprop-p-ethyl) applied at 0.46 fl. oz. per 1000 sq. ft. every 4-5 weeks (maximum of 6 applications) starting at bermudagrass first greenup in May. Acclaim extra mixed in combination with Prograss (ethofumisate) or Turflon Ester (triclopyr) has given better bermudagrass control (do not use Prograss on fine fescues) and fewer applications may be needed. Both Prograss and Turflon Ester both have some bermudagrass activity when used alone.

This program based on Acclaim Extra will be the best option for light to moderate infestations. For heavy infestations a complete renovation will be needed. Kill the bermudagrass with glyphosate applications (2 applications, 3 weeks apart) in mid summer and reseed around Labor Day.

Gordon Johnson, Extension Horticulture Agent, UD, Kent County

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