Friday, May 16, 2008

Turf - Sulfentrazone Herbicide Injury on Tall Fescue

Sulfentrazone is a relatively new herbicide material that is sold in several products for weed control in turf. There have been reports of injury to tall fescue when using this product with urea nitrogen fertilizer. The following is an article on the subject by Dr. Steve Hart from Rutgers University.

HERBICIDE INJURY ALERT. On May 8 I was informed by my counterpart, Dr. Fred Yelverton, at North Carolina State University, that professional Lawn Care Operators were complaining that the herbicides containing the active ingredientm sulfentrazone applied in combination with urea fertilizer was causing significant injury to Tall Fescue. Dr. Yelverton has since confirmed the potential for this injury to occur in replicated research trials. As of yet I have not been informed of any injury problems with herbicides containing sulfentrazone in Delaware or New Jersey.

Sulfentrazone is currently marketed as Dismiss and is also a component of the herbicides Echelon, Surge and Q4. We have extensively tested these herbicides applied without urea fertilizer at Rutgers and found them to be safe to desired turfgrass but these studies have predominantly been conducted on perennial ryegrass and to a lesser extent Kentucky bluegrass. As of yet, we have not tested any of these herbicides on tall fescue. Until we learn more, I would recommend that these herbicides not be applied to sites containing tall fescue. If these herbicides are utilized on Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrarss, or creeping bentgrass I would recommend that they not be applied in any tank-mix combination with fertilizers, other pesticides, or spray adjuvants (surfactants).

Stephen Hart, Extension Turf and Ornamental Weed Specialist, Rutgers University.

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