This is continuation of the series on plants to consider for Delaware Landscapes featuring those plants that are being offered at the upcoming UDBG Spring Plant Sale.
Philadelphus × lemoinei ‘Innocence’. Mockorange 6-8'. Mockorange is noted for the sweet fragrance of the flowers and this cultivar is one of the most fragrant. The nearly 2-in. white flowers permeate the garden in spring. Leaves are sporadically variegated with creamy splashes.

opulifolius ‘Nugget’. Ninebark 6-8'. Foliage emerges deep golden in spring, fades to lime green in summer, and turns yellow in fall. Plants produce white flowers in the late spring. Vigorous shrub which tolerates harsh conditions. Attractive bark as it ages.
Pieris japonica ‘Dorothy Wycoff’. Japanese Pieris 4-6'. John Frett's favorite of the Japanese pieris as it is more compact but still a strong grower. The flower petals are white but the sepals are dark red. Your eye blends them into a very lovely
Poncirus trifoliata ‘Flying Dragon’. Contorted Hardy Orange 6-10'. The green stems have prominent twisting thorns offering interest in the winter landscape. White flowers in the spring and small oranges in the fall add interest in other seasons. Birds love to nest in the impenetrable branches. Once planted as a living “wall” to keep intruders off of one's property.
For more information go to the online UDBC Spring Plant Sale catalog at
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